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[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   
摘要:群众体育是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,经多年发展,逐步形成了“政府主导、部门协同、全社会共同参与”的发展模式。随着市场经济改革进一步深化,我国社会主要矛盾转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,现有群众体育发展模式已无法满足人民对健康生活的追求,迫切需要在国家治理体系层面上对其进行改革完善。通过文献资料分析法,对群众体育发展模式的结构进行剖析,对未能明确的主要问题进行梳理,发现现有模式存在主体不明、承担者模糊、发展方式单一,体育社会组织参与不够等问题。由此,提出群众体育发展模式的新思路及结构模型,明确政府、社会组织、市场在群众体育发展模式当中各自的作用、发展主体及性质。群众体育“政府引导、社会参与、公民主体、市场推动”的发展新模式将成为新时代体育事业发展的源动力。暨人民中心和公民主体地位充分体现,政府引导方式和责权范围明晰,体育社会组织参与主办承办者身份明确,社会自我组织有效管理,市场参与度高,体育服务供给丰富。以期对我国群众体育的长效发展提供建议及切实有效的发展路径,深入落实全民健身战略,提高人民健康水平。  相似文献   
公众参与是衡量现代民主政治发展的重要指标,公共机构与社会公众双方良性互动显得至关重要。从档案微信公众平台建设上看,存在公众参与地域不均、公众参与程度不高、档案部门回应力度不够、微信公号吸引性不足的问题。提出应加强档案宣传教育,转变档案部门服务意识,提高公号内容质量和拓宽互动形式等建议,以期提高双方互动效率,实现档案服务质量和档案价值的提升。  相似文献   
Platform-based customer agility is the ability to leverage the voice of the customer on a platform to achieve market intelligence and to explore competitive action opportunities. Prior studies have indicated the critical role of customer agility in enabling the survival and prosperity of contemporary organizations in a turbulent business environment, although how to develop this capability is not answered. The current research attempts to fill this theoretical gap. Drawing on the information management literature, we propose an integrative information management framework to investigate the process of developing customer agility. By conducting a case study of a leading e-commerce platform in China, we identify three types of platform-based customer agility (i.e. reactive customer agility, proactive customer agility, and coactive customer agility) in different phases of the growth of the platform. Furthermore, a process model is developed from the case study. It shows that platform-based customer agility is achieved by establishing information management structure, developing information management capability, and instilling information management culture. This study contributes to the knowledge on customer agility and information management. Detailed recommendations are also provided for potential practitioners.  相似文献   
随着我国经济社会结构的转型不断深化,基层统一战线内部构成发生深刻变化,统战对象和领域都大量增加。基层统一战线是扩大公民有序政治参与的重要体现,但当前我国公民在政治参与方面还存在一些问题。转型期要利用基层统一战线的特点和优势,在进一步扩大公民有序政治参与主体、提供公民有序政治参与制度保障、营造公民有序政治参与的良好环境、取得民主监督成效等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   
新中国与国际组织的关系是一个变化的过程,以改革开放为界,中国对国际组织的认识由浅入深,实践上由被动转为主动。这种变化是国际、国内诸多因素共同作用的结果。随着中国综合国力的稳步提高,国内制度、政策、观念的进一步完善和发展,未来中国与国际组织的合作将更加富有成效。  相似文献   
国有企业改革的目标是建立现代企业制度.改革主体是国有企业自身.但在我国,政府是国有资产所有者的代表,在历史上又是国有企业的经营者.这种特殊的关系和地位,决定了政府必须参与国有企业改革.  相似文献   
Multi-site universities face the challenge of integrating campuses that may have different profiles and orientations arising from place-specific attachments. Multi-campus universities created via mergers seeking to ensure long-term financial sustainability, and increasing their attractiveness to students, create a tension in campuses’ purposes. We explore how mergers in Wales created ‘inadvertent’ multi-campus universities whilst attempting to increase their overall competitiveness. We highlight three tensions that mergers created for contributing to local places, firstly a tendency for internal concentration, investing for growth in metropolitan not peripheral campuses; secondly, to looking beyond traditional local campuses and creating external campuses (in this case in London); and thirdly, to specialise campuses on the basis of attracting external students not local needs. This creates a substantial challenge for managing multi-campus universities if they are to continue to be able to support the prosperity of more remote regions in an increasingly knowledge-based economy.  相似文献   
This paper explores whether high-school sports are functional and accessible activities to keep students from school disciplinary behaviors. For this purpose, we included students racial and linguistic status, socioeconomic status, sex, and prior academic performance with the school’s proportion of free-lunch recipients and minorities, to understand how sport participation affects students of diverse groups. Additionally, the study implemented a multilevel mediation modeling to the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) data and assessed student dropouts with sequential mediators of sport participation, school misbehavior, and suspension. The findings of the study largely revealed that White students participated in sports more than Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Likewise, students who speak English as the primary language and male students participated in sports more than their counterparts. White sport participants displayed fewer incidents of suspension than White non-sport participants. Black, Hispanic, and White sport participants had lower dropout incidents than their non-sport-participating counterparts.  相似文献   
作为大学最重要的利益相关者群体,学生可通过协商民主机制,将自身的诉求与大学其他利益相关者以及管理者的目标平衡与融合,通过制度性渠道与程序参与大学治理,实现大学治理结构的优化。我国大学与学生关系的转变以及学生的学习权利,构成学生参与大学治理的法理基础。学生参与大学治理,有利于增强大学相关决定的正当性以及被接受性,提高治理效能,实现民主决策、科学决策。学生参与大学治理存在客观限度,大学应根据事务性质、学生参与能力、参与意愿等因素,确立学生参与大学治理的方式方法和范围程度。  相似文献   
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